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      Get the heart pumping for British Heart Foundation

      Our resident Bradley Wiggins, Reece Pagett, was on a mission to get the heart pumping (and the pennies flowing) for British Heart Foundation.

      On the 19th June 2022, Reece and his team of intrepid cyclists took to the road to participate in the South’s iconic 55 mile London 2 Brighton bike ride. It was very much a case of get the heart pumping for British Heart Foundation.

      Supported by Reece’s dad (grey jumper) who is undergoing heart surgery in late 2022, the team’s mission (outside of making it to Brighton) was to raise awareness and funds for the British Heart Foundation.

      Absolute team at the finish line of London to Brighton bike ride

      Smiles all round for a successful day doing good.

      With some amazing generosity shown by friends, family and the Absolute team, Reece and his London 2 Brighton cycling team have raised £1,552 to date.

      We say to date, because the teams’ JustGiving page is still open and ready to accept donations to this very worthy cause.

      Any and all contributions welcome and greatly appreciated. 


      Huge congratulations to Reece and his team for a great achievement. We are honoured to be able to contribute in out our own way.

      Here’s to next year Reece! Perhaps I’ll join you. DISCLAIMER: That statement is not binding. 🙂

      Paul Mills

      Founder – Absolute Recruit